Do you Qualify?


There are two different bursaries available for Sixth Form students who meet certain criteria, for full information about the fund please follow this link: Bursary Policy.

Please click here to download an application form. Please return completed application forms to Magna Academy reception addressed to Mrs J Waddington. Alternatively, they can be emailed directly to:

Please be aware that evidence will be required in order for your application to be processed. Students will also need a bank account in their name to receive bursary payments.

Vulnerable Bursary

This is a bursary of up to £1,200 a year – awarded to students who are:

  • In care
  • Care leavers
  • A student who is receiving Income Support or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves and anyone who is dependent on them and living with them, such as a child or a partner

Discretionary Attendance Bursary

This bursary is available to Sixth Form students not eligible for the Vulnerable Bursary who live in a household meeting one of the following criteria:

  • Confirmation of entitlement to Free School Meals
  • Students with a family income less than £21,000 a year will be eligible for some funds to support their studies. (If a household income is less than £16,190 a year, please complete the Free School Meal application if not already done so)
  • Students with a family income between £21,000-£25,000 and £25,000-£30,000 may be eligible for some funds to support their studies

The level of support offered is dependent on the total funding received from the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and the number of applications for support the Sixth Form Receives. Please be aware that the level of funding may vary during the academic year.

Payment Conditions

All bursary payments will be directly linked to attendance, behaviour and performance as per the Sixth Form policy. If these conditions are not met, the school reserves the right to withdraw or suspend bursary payments.

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