We fully appreciate and recognise that some things will be different for when students join us at Magna Academy and that change can be both daunting and exciting.

In support, we have developed a fully inclusive transition programme to help encourage students and their families to think about those changes and to provide them with useful information that will help everyone to feel more comfortable and confident with their secondary school transition.

Key transition events and communications include:

Pre-Application as Year 6 sTUDENTS

  • The Annual Academy Open Evening and Academy Prospectus
  • Scheduled tours/coffee mornings during the academy day

Post-application and place accepted as Year 6 students

  • Welcome packs and statutory information
  • Transition welcome letter
  • Transition Handbook 
  • Welcome assemblies: Magna visits to feeder schools (all students)
  • Phoenix Centre visits to feeder schools (SEND/SEHM/LAC)
  • Welcome experience: Students arrive at Magna for an orientation/challenge event
  • Transition Evening 27 June
  • Transition Day 28 June
  • Summer Activity Pack 

September Induction as Year 7 students

  • Induction Day:  4 September
  • Handing-in of summer activity tasks
  • Induction fortnight:
    You Are Awesome project • Year group assembly • House assembly • Introduction of tutor group tasks • Timetable • Sixth Form buddies • Enrichment and rewards • Baseline assessments
  • Year 7 Expectations • Meet the Tutor evening

We have an incredible team of staff who manage the process who will do all they can to make the transition process for children from primary to secondary education as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

We will be regularly updating the Admissions page on this website with relevant information to support our families through the process.

Where next


Magna Academy is a comprehensive academy with a community of about 900 students, presently oversubscribed. We have an excellent reputation both locally and nationally. We…


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