Magna Academy is a comprehensive academy with a community of about 900 students, presently oversubscribed. We have an excellent reputation both locally and nationally.

We recognise that choosing a place in secondary education for your child is an important decision and hope that our website captures the positive atmosphere and ethos of Magna Academy. Both our Prospectus and our Admissions Policy are accessible via links at the bottom of this page.

Applications for admission at the start of Year 7 are conducted by the Local Authority (Bournemouth , Christchurch and Poole Council: BCP) in the main round during the first half of the autumn term, when children are in Year 6.

Parents/Carers of students in Year 6 will receive information about the application process from their child’s current primary school. Parents/Carers are informed of places allocated by the Local Authority shortly after their list is published mid-March of each academic year.

Applications for September places in Year 7 that arrive on or after the start of the following March will continue to be managed by the Local Authority Admissions Team.

Admissions to Years 8 to 11 are conducted by the Local Authority admissions team. To apply, please contact the Local Authority on 01202 127963. For Sixth Form, please contact the Academy to apply directly.


The majority of our students join us at the beginning of Year 7, aged either 11 or 12, from the local primary schools.

Transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting time for everyone, although we recognise that some may feel apprehensive about the change. We work closely with students, parents/carers and primary schools to ensure that everyone settles quickly into academy life at Magna. This results in a caring and happy community, allowing students not only to achieve excellent academic standards but also to develop their self-worth, purpose and engagement to become responsible and successful young adults for the future.

In support we organise a series of transition based resources and events to encourage a smooth and positive transition into our secondary academy environment.


Admissions Events in 2024-2025

Process of Application for Year 7

To access BCP information on ‘Applying for a School Place for September 2025’ please click here.


31 October
The Local Authority Common Admissions Form (CAF: Secondary) must be completed and returned to the Local Authority for all admissions to Magna Academy Poole by this date.


3 March
Notification of Offer of Places:
Parents/Carers will be informed by Poole Local Authority (or their home authority if they do not live in Poole) which school they have been allocated in writing by a letter posted on this date. Parents/Carers receive an Offer Letter from Magna Academy.

14 March
This is the last date on which parents/carers are asked to confirm their acceptance of the offer with the Local Authority in which they live. Parents/Carers receive an acceptance letter, welcome pack and online entry form from Magna Academy.

23 May
Deadline for lodging an on-time admission appeal. The Admissions Appeal Form can be completed here.

25-26 June
Appeal hearing dates.

Parents/Carers will receive a transition letter outlining the process of events, resources to be received and the transition handbook.

Transition events commence.

Click here for:
Advice for parents and guardians on school admission appeals


in year admissions

admission enquiries

Please directly contact Admissions at Magna Academy should you be considering applying for a place at Magna Academy. Telephone: 01202 604222 email:

For Sixth Form specific admissions please contact Mrs Biddle, email:

How to apply

You can apply for a school place at Magna Academy through the BCP website, using the link here.

Magna Academy will respond within 10 school days of application via BCP, whether the application has been accepted or rejected. If rejected, we will specify the reason for it. Legally this has to be within 15 school days.

over subscription

In the event of over subscription we will follow the Agreed Criteria set out in our Admissions Policy which can be viewed following the link at the bottom of this page.

waiting list

If you wish your child to attend Magna Academy but there are no places available, you may have your child’s name placed on a waiting list. The waiting list operates in accordance with the published admission criteria and is held by BCP. This waiting list will change depending on the applications that have been received.

The right to appeal

If your child is refused a place at Magna Academy, you have the right to appeal to the academy.  Please complete the admission appeal form here.

Place offered and accepted

If a place has been offered and parents/carers have been informed by BCP, the relevant Head of House will contact the parent/carer to arrange an initial meeting. This meeting will give the opportunity to sort out uniform, timetable and give a thorough induction to Magna Academy. A start date will also be agreed upon at the same time, ideally one week after the place has been accepted.

Where next

Transition to Magna

We fully appreciate and recognise that some things will be different for when students join us at Magna Academy and that change can be both…

Transition to Magna

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