Background and Experience

I was born in Birmingham and always enjoyed a challenge. I was lucky enough to secure a scholarship to West Bromwich Albion FC when I left school and also signed a one year professional contract. Unfortunately, I was not successful in my next steps and I was released during this fourth year. I was devastated and at first struggled to come to terms with not achieving my dream of becoming a footballer.

Luckily, both of my parents were teachers and expressed the importance of education. Thus I applied to university. It was during this time at university that I rediscovered my love of learning and during a second year placement to a multicultural secondary school, I saw the impact that teachers can have on all children’s lives but especially those that are disadvantaged. I completed a GTP in the same inner city Birmingham school and loved the challenge of PE teaching. I then moved to a large sports college and I had additional responsibilities in curriculum, data analysis and pastoral care. At this point in my life, my wife (also a teacher) and I, decided we wanted a change of surroundings for our two young sons and we moved to Dorset. We instantly fell in love with long walks on the beautiful beaches and large areas of natural beauty.

I continued to work in pastoral care and I have loved seeing the impact that school staff can have on students. I have continued to work in pastoral care both in a mainstream
setting and also in an alternative provision setting. I was Headteacher of an alternative provision school that provided education to the most vulnerable in Dorset. This was a challenging and amazing experience and one that I continue to use today. I then moved back into the mainstream environment and have been Associate Principal at Budmouth Academy for the last 3 years.

I am so proud to be the Principal of Magna and lead an experienced and dedicated staff to improve the life chances of our students

Three personal Values

  • Resilience
  • Positivity
  • Respect for all

My Favourite Educational Quote:

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela

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