On Monday 24th June, Mr Barrett and Mrs Halls accompanied fourteen Year 9 students to the Bournemouth University Festival of Design & Engineering.  The event is a celebration of the research, development, design and prototyping skills of the final year product design students, as well as offering an insight into product design at higher education and beyond.

Students first of all listened to a thoroughly interesting lecture followed by a Q&A session with the Head of the Design and Engineering School, Dr Bryce Dyer.  Students were given a fascinating insight into his work with the UK Paralympic teams to design and construct the most modern and high performing prostheses possible so our elite athletes can perform to the highest levels.

Students then undertook a design completion where they had to build a cardboard mock up of a new invention designed to solve a problem that uses at least one bottle in its development.  Th Magna students threw themselves into it (as you can see from some of the images) and Jerry Whitton, the event organiser was so complementary of all of them.  Students then presented their efforts to the other groups.  Mr Barrett’s winner was the robotic drinks carrier that comes to your sunbed when you’re on holiday!

Students then went to the main exhibition where they had 45 minutes to look round all the exhibits, speak to some of the young designers and even vote for which one they though the most innovative.  Two of Mr Barrett’s former students were also present, completing their final year projects and exhibiting them.  One was off to Middlesbrough to begin work for a design consultancy and the other had a paid internship arranged at UAV (Unmanned Aerial vehicle) company next year.  This really brought home to students how young people from similar backgrounds as themselves are able to spread their wings in this exciting industry.

Please keep an eye on your inboxes for more STEM opportunities incoming in 2024-25.

Mr Barrett

Deputy Academic Director of Science & STEM coordinator

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