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First Test Date: Years 10 & 11

September 03 | All day

Covid Update

Despite the Prime Minister's most recent announcement and taking into account our local context we have made the decision to retain all current Covid control measures within the academy. This means that, until the end of term, students and staff are asked to continue to wear face coverings indoors, in communal areas such as corridors. As you may be aware, recently updated government guidance states that all secondary school and college students should be offered two on-site Lateral Flow Device tests; 3 to 5 days apart, on their return in the autumn term. Therefore, we have had to amend our plans for our students' return in September to accommodate this large scale on-site mass testing programme. In order to give families as much notice as possible I have shared an outline of our plans below. More detailed information regarding each student's specific testing times will follow next week.
Year Group  First Test Date (returning home after test) Return Date (8:27am Start) and Second Test
Year 7 Thursday 2nd September Monday 6th September
Year 8 Monday 6th September Thursday 9th September
Year 9 Tuesday 7th September Friday 10th September
Year 10 Friday 3rd September Wednesday 8th September
Year 11 Friday 3rd September Tuesday 7th September
Year 12 Thursday 2nd September Monday 6th September
Year 13 Thursday 2nd September Tuesday 7th September
For more details on this, please see Ms Ullah's letter of 16 July.

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