I have been working with ‘Kissing it Better’ (KiB) for 6 months. I originally found out about KiB through a talk hosted at Poole hospital, which explained what Kissing it Better was about. Kissing it better is an organisation which bridges the generational gap by connecting young people with elderly patients, particularly those with dementia.

Through Kissing it Better, I have shared my passion for dance and music, organising and performing in hospitals. I have formed connections with both patients and the lovely KiB team. 

During my work experience I learned how a charity runs and the dedication each member puts in. I have learned how to support the elderly and young carers and have been to hospitals to apply that knowledge.

I also attend Senior zoom calls every week where we have a conversation with the Seniors as this may be the only conversation that they have had all day.

Working with KiB has shown me to appreciate the little things in our day as it may be a big thing for an elderly person. It has also taught me to spread kindness as you do not know how difficult someone’s day is and you can help them make their day better.

I have recently become a KiB ambassador. As an ambassador, I will have a more active role within the charity which means that I will help with more tasks and help create more events for the social prescribing calendar. Being an ambassador for KiB means there is potential to do work experience in different places such as London which would be an amazing opportunity. 

Alexi P, Year 12

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